Forest 24/7 Fitness Privacy Policy 




Forest 24/7 Fitness is subject to the Australian Privacy Principles contained within the Privacy Act 1988 (“Act”).

The purpose of this policy is to describe how Forest 24/7 Fitness collects, holds, uses and discloses personal information and complies with the privacy requirements in protecting the personal information Forest 24/7 Fitness holds about individuals.


Personal information

Personal information is defined in the Act as “information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable:

  1. a)  Whether the information or opinion is true or not; and
  2. b)  Whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.”


Collection of personal information

The types of personal information about Forest 24/7 Fitness collects will depend upon what dealings the relevant individual may have with Forest 24/7 Fitness. Forest 24/7 Fitness may collect and hold information about:

  • Forest 24/7 Fitness employees: personal information such as contact details, banking details, date of birth, other payroll details, superannuation information, tax file number and emergency contacts
  • Applicants for jobs at Forest 24/7 Fitness: personal information such as contact details, employment history and other background information as required and as permitted by law
  • Forest 24/7 Fitness website enquiries: information that allows Forest 24/7 Fitness to respond to enquiries made through the Forest 24/7 Fitness website, such as name, contact number and email address
  • Forest 24/7 Fitness website subscribers: information that allows Forest 24/7 Fitness to communicate with website subscribers, such as name and email address. Forest 24/7 Fitness will only do so where individuals have “opted in” to receive this information
  • Suppliers: information required to establish and maintain records and systems to enable payment for goods and services
  • Individuals as contractors: information required to establish and maintain records and systems to enable payment for services
  • Forest 24/7 Fitness investors: personal information such as contact details in order to respond to enquiries and/or provide information
  • Forest 24/7 Fitness clients or prospective clients: information required in order to deliver services, such as name, address, e-mail address and phone number, company, work email, work address, role and job function, years of experience
  • Other individuals who may come into contact with Forest 24/7 Fitness.

The Act imposes restrictions on collecting sensitive personal information. This includes information about religious views, ethnicity, political opinions and personal health information. Forest 24/7 Fitness generally does not collect sensitive personal information about an individual, except in the instances where a pre-employment medical is undertaken as part of the selection and on-boarding process. If sensitive personal information is collected, Forest 24/7 Fitness will only deal with that information as permitted by the Act.


Use and disclosure of personal information

Forest 24/7 Fitness’s policy is to only use personal information for the purpose which was either specified or reasonably apparent at the time the information was collected. Forest 24/7 Fitness may also use or disclose the information collected for any other related purpose for which the individual would reasonably expect it to be used.

If Forest 24/7 Fitness wishes to use or disclose personal information in other circumstances, the individual’s consent would need to be obtained.

Forest 24/7 Fitness deals with personal information for a number of purposes, such as:• 

  • Performing payroll functions
  • Recruiting of employees and contractors
  • Improve and maintain the administration of employee benefits
  • Operate IT and communication systems
  • Internal business operations such as communicating with clients
  • Distribution of subscription emails
  • Responding to Forest 24/7 Fitness website enquiries
  • Managing Forest 24/7 Fitness’s everyday business needs such as payment processing, communicating with individuals and other companies about Forest 24/7 Fitness’s services, contract management, analytics, corporate governance, reporting and legal compliance.


Disclosing information to other parties

Forest 24/7 Fitness restricts its sharing of an individual’s personal information. In using personal information, Forest 24/7 Fitness may need to disclose personal information to various third parties, sometimes outside of Australia. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Forest 24/7 Fitness’s contractors and service providers who assist Forest 24/7 Fitness in the operation of its business or to provide a customer service. Forest 24/7 Fitness may share personal information with its service providers and contractors, who are bound by law or contract to protect the personal information and only use personal information as necessary to perform their services
  • Third party lenders and insurers
  • Anyone authorised by a provider of personal information
  • Relevant parties in situations when Forest 24/7 Fitness is required by law to provide the information
  • Legal and regulatory authorities (such as the Australian Taxation Office), to accountants, auditors, lawyers and other outside professional advisers

Although most recipients of personal information are within Australia, others may be located, or have relevant operations elsewhere. Therefore, it may be necessary to transfer personal information abroad. Some of the countries to which information is transferred may not have laws regulating the collection and disclosure of personal information. In this instance, Forest 24/7 Fitness will take reasonable steps to ensure that any recipients of personal information comply with the Act.

Forest 24/7 Fitness understands that individuals do not want Forest 24/7 Fitness to provide their personal information to third parties for their own marketing purposes and will not do so unless that individual has provided their consent for Forest 24/7 Fitness to do so.


Cookies and other data collection technologies

In relation to Forest 24/7 Fitness website usage, Forest 24/7 Fitness collects certain information by automated means, using technologies such as cookies and browser analytics tools.

For example, when Forest 24/7 Fitness’s website is visited, Forest 24/7 Fitness places cookies on the individual’s computer. Cookies are small text files that websites send to computers or other internet connected devices to uniquely identify the browser or to store information or settings in the browser. In many cases, cookie preferences can be managed, and the individual can opt out of having cookies and other data collection technologies used by adjusting the settings on their browser.

The information Forest 24/7 Fitness collects using cookies and other tools are only used in a non-identifiable way, without any reference to personal information. For example, Forest 24/7 Fitness uses the information it collects about all website users to optimise Forest 24/7 Fitness’s website and to understand website traffic patterns.


Applying for employment with Forest 24/7 Fitness

Forest 24/7 Fitness collects personal information from individuals who submit applications with Forest 24/7 Fitness. If the application is unsuccessful, Forest 24/7 Fitness may retain the information in case a more appropriate opportunity becomes available. The unsuccessful candidate can then contact Forest 24/7 Fitness to request Forest 24/7 Fitness not to retain the applicant’s information.


Security of personal information

Forest 24/7 Fitness will take reasonable steps to protect the personal information that it holds from unauthorised access, modification, misuse, interference and loss. Personal information is held in the cloud on Microsoft Azure servers and services.

Internally, Forest 24/7 Fitness restricts access to personal information to employees or parties who need access to the information in order to do their jobs. These employees are limited in number and are committed to maintaining confidentiality.


Access and changing personal information

Forest 24/7 Fitness respects the right of an individual to access and amend their personal information. Forest 24/7 Fitness will give individuals access to their personal information on request, subject to the Act. If any information is incorrect, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, Forest 24/7 Fitness will amend it upon request.

Forest 24/7 Fitness may require substantiation of any request to access or amend personal information.

If Forest 24/7 Fitness provides you with copies of the information you have requested, Forest 24/7 Fitness may charge you a reasonable fee to cover the administrative costs of providing you with that information.



An individual can make a complaint about the way in which Forest 24/7 Fitness has handled an individual’s personal information by writing to either of the following:

  • Owner – Peter Sartori

Forest 24/7 Fitness will endeavour to act promptly in response to a complaint.

If you are not satisfied by Forest 24/7 Fitness’s response to your complaint, you can contact the Australian Privacy Commissioner at its website or by phoning 1300 363 992.


Additional information in privacy

For further information about privacy issues and the protection of privacy, visit the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s website at .